"And I said to the one who stood at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than the known way.'" (Minnie Haskins)

Friday, December 31, 2010

More Wedding Pictures

Still have so much to learn when it comes to taking pictures of people, but that's okay as my real love of photography doesn't really include people... well with the exception of when they are part of the larger landscape. I like to tell people I do pictures of water droplets on leaves. 

I didn't pose any of the group shots... either got them naturally posing or other people put them together, so don't judge me for any of the cheesy shots they wanted.

Christy at Wedding

Tired Christy at the end of a very long day shooting the wedding.

And now Jennifer and Adriane making me dance...

And I promise I really did take some pictures.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A few wedding pictures...

Finally got all the wedding pictures on my computer. Need to go through them all and edit. Here are a couple...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Been There - Done That

I now can cross wedding photographer off my list. Been there - done that. Whew! It's a lot of people time. A lot of stress. Definitely don't have the equipment to do that sort of thing... better equipment than most people and good enough to fill in when a someone's wedding photographer backs out a week in advance.

 So did I look like I know what I'm doing?

Saturday, December 18, 2010


On the day that I have to fill-in as wedding photographer it would rain.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A couple of the girls I work with tell me that 'I don't wear make-up.' They have been wanting to take me to Mac for a long time. One is leaving the end of this week to start seminary in Texax (not to become a pastor, but a teacher... she's solid Biblically and I will miss talks on faith and God). As our last big outing the girls took me to Mac.

And, Mom, you'll be happy to know I got a lip conditioner with sunblock.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Carter Christmas Pictures

I took some Christmas pictures for my pastor's family....

East Point Church Christmas Party

Pictures at Redemption

Mother Scroggins (everyone at EPC calls her that) asked me to take a church wide picture for Redemption, as Pastor Higgins is leaving to be Dean of Students at Covenant Seminary. I went to school with his daughters. I wanted to laugh at Mother Scroggins email asking me to do it - she asked if I'd like to come and take a picture at a black church... cause I'm only comfortable in all white situations??? Haha....

I didn't realize I was going to be asked to take pictures during the service. Every shy girls dream. :) To take the large group picture I had to stand on the OLDEST ladder. I stood on the second highest step and couldn't move a muscle.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

signs of Christmas

Taking potential Christmas photos of the Starrs & their newest little one...

And no, Jeremy Norwood - I did not make her cry.

 Took the Duncanson & Carter kids to the East Point Tree Lighting and then helped the kids do some Christmas ornament decorating for JT's tree.

Scared of Santa

the joys of cupcakes